Thursday, August 28, 2008
Holy Endorphins
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Belated Birthday Befuddlement!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Russian Nesting Dolls
Here are some pictures from today:
Schuyler concentrated on his-
Me hunched greatly over mine...
Today was SO much fun. We were on Four Tree Island under a pavilion-- it was a stunning day. Absolutely beautiful. We could have done away with a bit of the wind, but it's an island on the ocean, what can you expect? I brought a sweatshirt ;)
So my final masterpiece will present itself on here shortly.
...to be continued.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
This Makes No Sense
...well at least I thought I did!
I can maybe understand now when someone says they are on a "running high" or "active high". Johnny and I have been doing some xcountry style running thru the woods and I actually *cough* may... um... be liking it?? Shh! I didn't say that!
It's not that long of a trail and I feel bad for Johnny because we are going somewhat slow-- for his usual pace anyways---
Just my luck though to start liking something and then winter is going to set in. O well. Maybe by the time of the first snow, I will be devoted enough to get my body out of bed in the morning and run on the perfectly good treadmill we have downstairs. :-P
Monday, August 18, 2008
"Why Does the Moon Turn Orange Sometimes when it Rises?"
Last night however we were at the beach and saw the moon rise into the sky for the evening.. it was red and then got lighter as it ascended higher in the dark night sky.
I remember roughly how that happens from watching "The Kid" (who says you cant learn stuff from watching a movie??) but wanted to brush up on my facts. ;)
So I looked it up!
Here's what I found!
Have you ever wondered why the moon is more orange or yellow in color when it first rises at night? This effect is caused by the atmosphere of the earth. The reason for the orange color is due to the scattering of light by the atmosphere. When the moon is near the horizon, the moonlight must pass through much more atmosphere than when the moon is directly overhead. By the time the moonlight reaches your eyes, the blue, green, and purple pieces of visible light have been scattered away by air molecules. That's why you only see yellow, orange, or red.
The moon can have an orange color at any time of the year. Sometimes the moon appears orange even when it's directly overhead. This occurs when there's a lot of dust, smoke, or pollution in the atmosphere. The size of those particles will determine the type of color you will see.
Look first at the white moon directly overhead. See the red part of the arrow pointing to the white moon? This red part of the arrow shows the part of the atmosphere we are looking through to see the moon. Now look at the orange moon just rising in the east. Look at the blue portion of the arrow pointing to the orange moon. See how much longer the blue line is than the red line. This shows that we are looking through about three times as much atmosphere at a rising or setting moon.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Saturday @ the Farmer's Market
I also got one of my recent must-have-stand bys:
Mom got some b-e-a-u-tiful flowers from a farm here locally. They just BEAM. I've never seen a flower like this!!!
The picture doesn't do it justice.
Then the last thing we bought was a loaf of bread from When Pigs Fly Bread Co. here in York.
It was GOOD. It was cranberry, brown sugar, pistachio, orange bread. In the words of Rachel Ray "YUM-O". :)
This Saturday has been pretty great!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Depressed. But We Did See a Purple Mushroom
When we actually have time to take pictures, it's overcast--- while hiking thru the woods it started to rain! That means mosquitoes are gonna come out and out they did. My legs and arms and face and neck and and and! are covered with itchy bites. Plus Johnny HAD to go to this certain spot and didn't tell me how far it was. So hiking is pretty much what we did and that irritated me greatly. Why? Because I had spent 15 minutes using a flat iron on my hair and then sweating like that defeated it completely.
The only thing remotely close to good that came out of today's time was we saw a cool mushroom. I've never seen a purple mushroom before today!
Today's been horrible. Despite the fact of my earlier attempts of trying to make it great---with the listing 3 great things.
I'm looking forward to Verlin's visit tonight-- that's at least something I can count on.
Today's 3 Things
I've been getting hammered with stuff from The Guard over the last year... oh the joys of growing up. ;)
This magazine has some enjoyable articles in it! I really do like it. Last night I read one that said something about making your summer great--- one portion was on finding three things in a day that make it special. Chances are you wont have those three things together in a day again, because most of the time, that 24 hours is pretty unique. For me anyways.
Well I thought that I would list 3 things... however my day pretty much just started, so I'm not sure what good I can get from it--- Maybe I'll count on stuff that I know is planned and then it gives me something to look forward to. I'm that kind of person... it helps my attitude greatly if I have something to look forward to. Is that a good thing? Is that a bad thing? I'm not sure.
So todays 3 great tidbits are:
1.) Waking up this morning
2.) Having time to read
3.) Having a friend over for dinner!
Doesnt sound too bad to me! I think I'll start doing this.. though maybe at the end of the day as a reflection.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Happy Birthday!
So it begins
This is somewhere where I will place and post things that are completely random-- things that pop into my mind. I will post things I find hilarious, roll-on-the-ground funny or just plain ol' goofy!
Buckle your seat belts, it's going to be interesting! lol.